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Puppy Training and Leash Training
For dog lovers, puppy training is the first responsibility that comes with acquiring a new puppy. Bringing a puppy home is a wonderful experience that comes with responsibilities, like bringing home a new born baby.
Puppy training should begin as soon as the dog sets feet in the house. This is quite different from adult dog house training. It requires basic dog obedience training and teaching the dog new old tricks plus, dog leash training using dog training commands. You can get useful information from online dog training courses such as Daniel Stevens SitStayFetch, an easy to understand program, which I used to house train my Maisky, a wonderful companion. Unfortunately he is aging and I am already beginning to miss him. He is 8 years old. Our visitors and acquaintances always marvel at his tricks and vast knowledge. Above all, he is very security conscious.
The best time to begin dog leash training using positive reinforcement is as soon as a puppy is old enough to be taken in to your home. Positive reinforcement means that you should praise and reward your dog greatly for all commands it accomplishes right. Dog training is fun if you have the professional course outline for use at home for positive dog training.
Taking your puppy on a leash walk teaches it to learn how to follow you without breaking out of your hold. The leash is used to teach dog come, teach dog sit, toilet train dog. The leach is a unique dog training aid that goes a long way to ensure dog obedience training is successful while you train a dog at home.
Your puppy will get the needed exercise during leash training, and also learn to urinate or defecate outside as you walk it. A lot of discipline is instilled in the dog during leash training because this is when your puppy is tempted to break lose and really be a free spirited dog by negating dog puppy training commands. Train your dog on a leash for quick positive results.
It is had to talk puppy training without the leash as an important dog training tool. It is the leash that allows you to really put the puppy under control as you walk it and teach it to walk with you and not to be distracted or form the habit of wandering away from you to do doggy things.
If you fail to train your puppy, all the bad habits that are natural to dogs will remain with it and make your relationship unsatisfactory. Basic dog obedience is your responsibility to teach your puppy as soon as possible. Puppy training is usually a house training affair, and dog obedience that is the expected result may become illusive if you lack the basics of proper dog house training.
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