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Jupiter In 11th House | 11th House Vedic Astrology

Jupiter in 11th house | 11th house vedic astrology


Biswarup Tarafder

Effects of Jupiter in the 11th House

Jupiter in the eleventh house shows that the person will have wealthy and virtuous friends who are noble, influential and helpful. Social success, popularity and credit are secured through friendship. The hopes and ambitions of the person are fully realized including social, political and financial success.

11th House Vedic Astrology


The houses 9 to 12 are known as Dharma (9), Artha (10), Kama (11) and Moksha (12) house respectively. Kama here does not indicate mere passion; it also stands for desire. Siddhi is indicated by fulfillment. The eleventh house resolves all questions that are related to hopes, wishes, aspirations and their attainment. The eleventh house governs success in diverse undertakings whether it is related to profession or business dealings.

The areas governed by the eleventh house are foreign collaborations and higher studies, election, speculation, litigation, writing, health and more. If one is involved in litigation when he is running the conjoined periods of the planets, the native may expect a favorable outcome. He may then come out successfully usually with the help of compromise even if his case is weak. This is because the eleventh house stands for gain and lasting friendship. The eleventh house is commonly referred to as the labhasthana or the house of gains.

Aspects of the Eleventh House

It is through the effects of the eleventh house that every kind of accumulation of the incoming wealth of the native is taken care of. One may be likely to earn with the help of their efforts, which is indicated by the lagna. The aspect of self acquisition is something that is indicated by this house. Earning may be made through short writings, younger brother or agency. Money received through the mother figure, vehicles, immovable property and treasure etc. are indicated by the fourth house. The fifth house indicates gains in speculation, lottery, sports and interest in forms of amusement like cinema, theater etc.

The sixth house implies income through service, pet animals, or through borrowing. Income that is gained by business partnerships, husband or wife and litigation can be achieved through the seventh house. The eighth house involves insurance, provident fund, legacies, wills etc. One may even gain monetary benefits by foreign collaboration, coming into contact with strangers, father or by performing research which are aspects that are effected upon by the ninth house. The tenth house indicates the income of the native through business, profession or inheritance and the act of withdrawing money from the bank.

When the first to tenth houses are put together, it indicates the different sources of a person s earnings. The twelfth house of a person s horoscope shows all the expenses, investments and withdrawals of money from the bank. Addition of the income resulting from the first to tenth houses and deducting the expenses of the twelfth house is the profit, which is represented by the eleventh house.

The good aspects of the significations are affected by the eleventh house. It signifies the return of capital as well as interest by the person who has taken the money on loan and on the same plane, the favorable aspects to the planets which are connected beneficially to the fifth house, connoting that the native will pay the amount back to the source along with the interest.

The eleventh house also presides over the aspect of pleasure. Other than that, it indicates prosperity, pleasure, profit, progress in the attempts taken, peace after the aspirations have been realized, and the permanent bonding of friendship. The desire to go for reunion is something which is indicated by the eleventh house and this is the reason one should investigate the aspects of this house to understand the type of emotional attachments the native will have.

The placement of the eleventh house should be determined to ascertain how the native will fare in social and financial, and whether he is likely to succeed in these spheres. The house indicates the attitude of the native towards society and his interest towards group advantage, more than attaining his personal goals and ambitions. The eleventh house also indicates reformative as well as unconventional activities. The house looks after the brother and sister of the native and this is why one should pay attention to this house to understand the effects of the association.

Author of this Article is Biswarup Tarafder having 16+ years of experience in traditional Hindu Vedic Astrology and advanced KP Stellar system. If you are looking for an authentic vedic astrology consultation on phone click on any of the following links

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