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Getting Rid Of Acne Naturally 3 Super Duper Home Acne Remedies

Submitted by: Sean Saunders

It can seem overwhelming how many chemical products are available for treating acne. Don’t get me wrong, many of them can work, but I’ve always been the natural type. Besides, your skin is very sensitive, and chemicals are more likely to irritate it more than natural remedies (such as honey for example). Even beyond that though, topical solutions for acne only treat one problem spot at a time, which can become extremely time consuming if you’re facing big acne problems. Personally, I’d rather get rid of the problem permanently through natural methods than temporarily with paid ones, wouldn’t you? That said, if you’re interested in getting rid of acne naturally (and permanently!), here’s what you need to do:

1. Drink More Water I know this sounds completely unrelated, but this is the most important step in getting rid of acne naturally. By keeping your body more hydrated, your skin becomes more hydrated, which keeps it more elastic. This elasticity helps to prevent pores from becoming clogged and also helps pores that are already clogged release get cleaned out. Also, you will begin to notice that your skin isn’t as dry or easily irritated as it once was, and less exposed parts of your body will have much fewer breakouts as a result.


2. Don’t Pop Your Pimples Popping pimples virtually guarantees further acne problems. First of all, popping them causes the skin to rupture violently, shocking the skin and greatly increasing the chances of your skin having an acne scar. Additionally, this mini-explosion stretches the pore, making it more likely that it will become infected and clogged again (this is why it seems like you’re tingget pimples in the exact same place over and over again). Last but not least, whatever had infected and clogged the pore is now infecting other areas of the skin, encouraging more pores to become problematic. So, step 2 in getting rid of acne naturally: don’t pop, pick, or prod

3. Sweat More This seems counter intuitive because sweat is “dirty”, but there’s a method to the madness. The reason that sweat is dirty is that it carries toxins out of your body and out of the skin. So, by sweating; you are removing things from your skin that would have infected and clogged pores, causing acne problems. The trick to this is to sweat profusely 3 times a week and rinse off immediately after via a shower. This will wash away all of the toxins that you are sweating out and keep them from just resettling on the skin.

The trick to getting rid of acne naturally is consistency. By following these simple steps, you can get rid of 90% of your acne permanently. However, as soon as you stop these methods or let up, your acne will more than likely begin to return. So, pick one step at a time and keep doing it until it is second nature, then start the next step. By the time all 3 are second nature, you should only be getting very few, if none at all, pimples each month. For those that do appear even when following these tips of getting rid of acne, they won’t last nearly as long as they did in the past.

About the Author: For more detailed information about

getting rid of acne

naturally OR to just find out how you can test-drive the best acne removers for free, try visiting

, one of the most popular & informative acne treatment websites on the web.


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