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Healthy Meal Choices On The Town}

Healthy Meal Choices on the Town


Kenneth SurrMeals on the town used to be a treat. Once a month, the family would pile in the car to “give mom a break” and gather at a local restaurant. These days, however, restaurant food is an everyday fact of life for many of us. It’s easy to grab a pizza or bucket of chicken on the way home from work, and picking up a sandwich at lunchtime is certainly faster than packing one in the morning.

There’s no doubt that fast food can be a real boon to our busy schedules. Still, we need to wonder if all of this convenience is taking a toll on our health. Is it possible to eat restaurant food, and stay on a healthy course?

On the Side

Do you think you’re doing your body a favor by ordering a salad at lunch or dinner? That rich dressing can really pack a calorie wallop. Ask for your salad dressing on the side, and then you can use as little or as much as you like. You can use this same rule when ordering other sauces, too. If you can’t have fries without gravy, at least you can have some control over your calorie intake.

Grill It

Fried foods are laden with nasty fats, so why settle for fried foods when you can have your meats and veggies grilled, baked, broiled, poached or steamed. These cooking methods use little or no fat, and are much lower in calories. When foods are grilled, the natural flavors are greatly enhanced, and there is little need for rich butters, gravies and sauces. You can whittle away even more fats and calories by having the chef grill your foods without additional oil or butter. The food will be delicious and only your hips will know the difference.

Use Your Noodle

Think you can’t incorporate your love of pasta with your healthy diet? Think again. You can eat pasta, so long as you stay away from those rich, cream-based sauces. Try a zesty fresh tomato-based sauce, instead of a rich alfredo sauce that will wreak havoc on your waistline. Tomato sauces are light, low-fat ways to bring your pastas to life, and will add a vegetable count to your food wheel. Add a sprinkling of cheese and spices for a truly delicious meal.

A Toast to Your Health

Alcoholic beverages are not a great choice to accompany meals. Order a glass of water, milk, juice or a cup of tea to have with your meal. Soft drinks are bad choices too. Just because your value meal comes with a glass of pop, you aren’t obligated to accept it. Ask for beverage alternatives and if you have to pay an extra quarter for a glass of milk, do it. Your bones will thank you.

Start Smart

Some people skip appetizers in fear of extra calories, but a little meal before your meal can actually be a great idea. Soups, for instance, are sensational low-cal appetizers to take the edge off of your hunger before the main course arrives. Ask for a nice broth or consomme base, and watch out for fatty cream soups and chowders. Instead of a big main course, try two appetizers, like a soup and salad. You’ll save money and eat less.

Would You Like Fries with That?

If you have the option of choosing your sides, ask for fresh vegetables or a baked potato instead of french fries. Choose a healthy baked potato, and don’t weigh it down butter, cheese or sour cream. If you want to give your spud a little extra kick, try it with a spoonful of salsa.

High Fiber, Low Fat

Try to base your meal choices on dishes that include healthy servings of fruits and vegetables. Your body just can’t do without these essential sources of dietary fiber. Ask for whole wheat pasta, whole grain bread and brown rice with your meals. Go ahead and break bread, but hold the butter.

Enough is Enough

Stop eating when you feel full. Sound a little too obvious? Not for those people who insist on getting “their money’s worth” from their restaurant meals. Heed your belly, and know when you’ve had enough. Go ahead and ask for a doggy bag. Half of tonight’s pasta will make a fantastic lunch tomorrow.

Share the Goodness

What’s better than a devastatingly delicious dessert? Half of one! Go ahead and give in to your dessert craving, and then give half of it to your companion. That caramel pecan cheesecake will be every bit as delicious when you share it with a friend, and you’ll only be getting half the calories. If sweet and sensible is more your style, order a fruit salad, yogurt, or sorbet for dessert.

You can make healthy choices when you’re eating on the town. And, it’s OK to treat yourself now and then. Special events and celebrations are perfectly suited to butter-laden lobsters. Every type of food has its place in a well-balanced diet, so don’t deprive yourself of the foods you really love. Your time is precious, so go ahead and savor every moment of it.

Freelancer Kenneth Surr is a writer for numerous popular Internet sites, on

health discovery


health diet fitness


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